What Exactly is a Narcissist?

Nowadays the term Narcissist has gained a lot of attention and traction, especially in the world of dating and amongst non-intimate relationships. It is important to understand the true nature of what you are faced with when going up against a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). 

 NPD is a mental health condition in which an individual has an inflated sense of self and how the individual view themselves in relation to others. Some of the most common characteristics of NPD is the lack of empathy for others, the use of skilled manipulative tactics to get their way in relationships, and the lack of accountability for their actions, often resulting in unstable and highly toxic relationship patterns.

Individuals with NPD may outwardly present as extremely confident, all knowing, charismatic, and superior to those around them. Often times, they may even be well educated, well spoken, and high ranking in their careers endeavors. They believe they hold a sense of superiority and are more special than others, leading to their expectations to be treated as such. This carefully, crafted persona is a Narcissist's defense used to cover their deeply rooted insecurities. This defense has been built to help the Narcissist avoid unwanted feelings of shame and guilt. 

You will often find a Narcissist speaking excessively about their achievements, unique life events, and the accomplishments of their children and close associates, as they view these accomplishments as a direct reflection of how great they are due to their proximity to the achievements of others. Narcissist thrive on being the center of attention and receiving the attention and admiration of others. However, when deprived of your attention and admiration, they are more likely to become furious and exhibit what is commonly known as "narcissistic rage". 

It is not uncommon for victims of narcissistic abuse to find themselves caught in the abuse cycle of a narcissist relationship. This cycle of abuse is more often characterized by extreme highs and lows accompanied with emotional, physical, psychological, and often times financial abuse. 

While most people do not willingly sign up for the rollercoaster of a narcissistic relationship, it remains difficult to identify true narcissism, even to the trained eye. Several individuals have found themselves confused, depleted, and searching for answers following these unstable relationships. If this sounds familiar, you may have entered the "Unchartered Territory" of narcissism and narcissist abuse.